
People. Engaging in effective, transparent communication with partners, vendors, and diverse stakeholder groups. Growing shared knowledge among team members using inquiry and evidence-based methodologies


Change. Identifying problems, discovering requirements, building specifications, assessing solution strategies, and evaluating results. Training, consultative, and freelance work: generating value


Process. Originating solutions to real-world problems in legacy and greenfield applications using robust technologies and frameworks. Strategically evaluating infrastructure modernization, emerging risks, and product evolution

From the blog

Feedback welcome (and how)!

on February 7, 2024

Folks who read the posts on this blog may notice that the comment form, previously integrated via Disqus, has been removed.

For a blog such as this one, the moderation overhead far outweighed the value that those forms provided.

While I am more interested than ever in your feedback, the comment form hasn’t been the best place for good feedback.

Email continues to be the best way to reach out; if you have a topic suggestion, a question, or just want to say “hey”, I’m always available at

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Does DRY mean one thing?

on January 29, 2024

A few weeks ago, I posted a poll on LinkedIn asking the question “What does DRY really mean?”

The options folks could choose from were

a) Don’t Repeat Yourself b) Do Repeat Yourself c) Don’t Remember Yesterday d) Something else

Aside from the bit of fun that a poll on a social media network can be — they’re engagement tools, not standardized tests after all — the reason I posed the question was to see if anyone would choose anything other than the oft-shared software development idiom in option a.

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Find me in 2024

on December 28, 2023

Visitors to this blog may notice that I haven’t published much recently here; my recent content strategy has emphasized social media platforms and to a larger extent my internal stakeholders.

Follow the links in the top bar to see what I mean. The real value for me is in direct messages, which you won’t see, but if you reach out I’ll get back to you.

I am somewhat active on LinkedIn and have great engagement with folks in the industry.

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Doing New Things

on January 4, 2022

Complete the form below to sign up for updates - new things are in the works every day.

I’ll be sharing what I’m doing, and will reach out to you personally if you indicate a specific interest.

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